Saturday, March 12, 2011

Is The World Lacking Heroes Today? Be Inspired!

At What Would Ronald Regan Say we typically explore the events and issues that exist in the very real world we live in.  The core value that inspires us is to pursue the truth, and to expose the dishonesty and intentional misinformation that is rampant in the global media and the public discourse.  This often results in our use of satire, sarcasm, and other tools of illustration. 

While we remain committed to the use of any legitimate means of communication, we also appreciate the possibility of appearing cynical in our pursuit of truth.  So with equal measure of humility and awe, we will occaisionally bring you examples that we believe will inform through inspiration.  Ronald Reagan was, above all, an inspiration to all humanity.

Dick and Rick Hoyt are a father-son team that run marathons together.  This is footage of them competing in the Iron Man, the most gruelling and demanding display of endurance possible. I challenge you to view the video and remain unmoved, let alone inspired beyond words.

Finally, while we hope you will use this to inspire others by linking, forwarding, etc., we want to acknowledge the important players in this real life drama.  Dick and Rick Hoyt have a web site you should visit and the beautiful music is provided by Nicole C. Mullen.

Please be inspired!